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What happens during the Intake process
After arrest, the person will be taken in front of the Magistrate to determine the bail amount and whether he or she will be committed to jail or released on his or her own recognizance.
The Intake area receives all Offenders, inventories personal property, Offender’s money and conducts a search of each Offender to prevent the introduction of contraband into Middle River Regional Jail. Intake also provides an initial medical questionnaire and takes photographs of each Offender. Intake also provides initial jail property along with an inmate handbook and assigns Offenders to their initial housing location in the intake area.
Once booked in at Middle River Regional Jail, the incarcerated individual is given the opportunity to make two phone calls. In some cases, these calls may be delayed for a reasonable time due to the person being intoxicated and/or violent.
The next regular scheduled Court date the inmate will be taken in front of the Judge for an arraignment. Please check with the corresponding court for Court dates. The arraignment is for the purpose of reviewing the bond, determining whether the person should be appointed an attorney, and setting the next Court date. Courts are not open on the weekends or holidays.
In the event a bond is still required for the Offender after arraignment the option of posting a bond in cash to the Magistrate’s Office or the Court is available. A bail bonding company may be contacted and will explain the process of using those services. Most bail bonding companies are listed in the local phone book or can be found through an internet search. No staff member of Middle River Regional Jail can recommend a bail bonding company. If the Inmate is not released by the Court or bonded, he or she will be classified by the Classification Officer typically within 24 hours. This face to face interview with the Classification Officer will be conducted to ensure that the incarcerated individual is housed in the appropriate area. At the time of Classification, the Offender will be asked to provide a visiting list of up to 5 people and 1 Religious visitor. We cannot disclose who is on an Offenders Visitation list over the phone.